
[MongoDB] Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD

Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD





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[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图

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[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图1

  • 菜鸟教程中安装

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  • yum源

创建文件/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.6.repo, 加yum源:

name=MongoDB Repository

  • 安装
sudo yum install -y mongodb-org

  • 运行
[root@pdai yum.repos.d]# systemctl start mongod
[root@pdai yum.repos.d]# sudo systemctl status mongod
● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-07-28 09:59:55 CST; 26s ago
     Docs: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual
  Process: 8868 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongod $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 8865 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chmod 0755 /var/run/mongodb (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 8863 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chown mongod:mongod /var/run/mongodb (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 8862 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/mongodb (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 8872 (mongod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
           └─8872 /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf


  • 连接
[root@pdai yum.repos.d]# mongo --host
MongoDB shell version v3.6.19
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("cb27e5a9-600f-4f57-9096-c7348a9ae5f9") }
MongoDB server version: 3.6.19
Welcome to the MongoDB shell.
For interactive help, type "help".
For more comprehensive documentation, see
Questions? Try the support group
Server has startup warnings:
2020-07-28T09:59:54.521+0800 I STORAGE  [initandlisten]
2020-07-28T09:59:54.521+0800 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine
2020-07-28T09:59:54.521+0800 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] **          See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/prodnotes-filesystem
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'.
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'
2020-07-28T09:59:55.705+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> show dbs;
admin   0.000GB
config  0.000GB
local   0.000GB

  • 建库
> use testdb;
switched to db testdb


官方CRUD文档 (opens new window)


  • 图例

[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图2

  • 示例
> db.inventory.insertOne(
...    { item: "canvas", qty: 100, tags: ["cotton"], size: { h: 28, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" } }
... )
        "acknowledged" : true,
        "insertedId" : ObjectId("5f1f8a9a099483199e74737c")
> db.inventory.insertMany([
...    { item: "journal", qty: 25, tags: ["blank", "red"], size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" } },
...    { item: "mat", qty: 85, tags: ["gray"], size: { h: 27.9, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" } },
...    { item: "mousepad", qty: 25, tags: ["gel", "blue"], size: { h: 19, w: 22.85, uom: "cm" } }
... ])
        "acknowledged" : true,
        "insertedIds" : [
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8a9a099483199e74737c"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "tags" : [ "cotton" ], "size" : { "h" : 28, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737d"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737e"), "item" : "mat", "qty" : 85, "tags" : [ "gray" ], "size" : { "h" : 27.9, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737f"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "gel", "blue" ], "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "cm" } }

  • 更多文档资料

官方相关文档 (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - Insert (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - InsertOne (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - InsertMany (opens new window)


  • 图例

[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图3

  • 示例
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8a9a099483199e74737c"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "tags" : [ "cotton" ], "size" : { "h" : 28, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737d"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737e"), "item" : "mat", "qty" : 85, "tags" : [ "gray" ], "size" : { "h" : 27.9, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737f"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "gel", "blue" ], "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a78"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a79"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7a"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7b"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7c"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
> db.inventory.find( { status: "D" } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7a"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7b"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
> db.inventory.find( { status: { $in: [ "A", "D" ] } } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a78"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a79"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7a"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7b"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7c"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
> db.inventory.find( { status: "A", qty: { $lt: 30 } } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a78"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
> db.inventory.find( { $or: [ { status: "A" }, { qty: { $lt: 30 } } ] } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737d"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f8aa8099483199e74737f"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "gel", "blue" ], "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "cm" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a78"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a79"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7c"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
> db.inventory.find( {
...      status: "A",
...      $or: [ { qty: { $lt: 30 } }, { item: /^p/ } ]
... } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a78"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f94de4326f1d6a51d3a7c"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }

  • 更多文档资料

官方相关文档 (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - find (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - findOne (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - findAndModify (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - findOneAndDelete (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - findOneAndReplace (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - findOneAndUpdate (opens new window)


  • 图例

[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图4

  • 示例
> db.inventory.insertMany( [
...    { item: "canvas", qty: 100, size: { h: 28, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" },
...    { item: "journal", qty: 25, size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" },
...    { item: "mat", qty: 85, size: { h: 27.9, w: 35.5, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" },
...    { item: "mousepad", qty: 25, size: { h: 19, w: 22.85, uom: "cm" }, status: "P" },
...    { item: "notebook", qty: 50, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, status: "P" },
...    { item: "paper", qty: 100, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, status: "D" },
...    { item: "planner", qty: 75, size: { h: 22.85, w: 30, uom: "cm" }, status: "D" },
...    { item: "postcard", qty: 45, size: { h: 10, w: 15.25, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" },
...    { item: "sketchbook", qty: 80, size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" },
...    { item: "sketch pad", qty: 95, size: { h: 22.85, w: 30.5, uom: "cm" }, status: "A" }
... ] );
        "acknowledged" : true,
        "insertedIds" : [
> db.inventory.updateOne(
...    { item: "paper" },
...    {
...      $set: { "size.uom": "cm", status: "P" },
...      $currentDate: { lastModified: true }
...    }
... )
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7d"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 28, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7e"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7f"), "item" : "mat", "qty" : 85, "size" : { "h" : 27.9, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a80"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "P" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a81"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a82"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T03:09:17.014Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a83"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a84"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a85"), "item" : "sketchbook", "qty" : 80, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a86"), "item" : "sketch pad", "qty" : 95, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }


> db.inventory.updateMany(
...    { "qty": { $lt: 50 } },
...    {
...      $set: { "size.uom": "in", status: "P" },
...      $currentDate: { lastModified: true }
...    }
... )
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 3, "modifiedCount" : 3 }
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7d"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 28, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7e"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7f"), "item" : "mat", "qty" : 85, "size" : { "h" : 27.9, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a80"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a81"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a82"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T03:09:17.014Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a83"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a84"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.392Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a85"), "item" : "sketchbook", "qty" : 80, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a86"), "item" : "sketch pad", "qty" : 95, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }

replace one

> db.inventory.replaceOne(
...    { item: "paper" },
...    { item: "paper", instock: [ { warehouse: "A", qty: 60 }, { warehouse: "B", qty: 40 } ] }
... )
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7d"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "size" : { "h" : 28, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7e"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7f"), "item" : "mat", "qty" : 85, "size" : { "h" : 27.9, "w" : 35.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a80"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a81"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a82"), "item" : "paper", "instock" : [ { "warehouse" : "A", "qty" : 60 }, { "warehouse" : "B", "qty" : 40 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a83"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a84"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.392Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a85"), "item" : "sketchbook", "qty" : 80, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a86"), "item" : "sketch pad", "qty" : 95, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30.5, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "A" }

  • 更多文档资料

官方相关文档 (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - update (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - updateOne (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - updateMany (opens new window)


  • 图例

[MongoDB]  Mongo入门 - 基本使用:安装和CRUD插图5

  • 示例
> db.inventory.deleteMany({ status : "A" })
{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 4 }
> db.inventory.find( {} )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a7e"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 14, "w" : 21, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a80"), "item" : "mousepad", "qty" : 25, "size" : { "h" : 19, "w" : 22.85, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.391Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a81"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "size" : { "h" : 8.5, "w" : 11, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a82"), "item" : "paper", "instock" : [ { "warehouse" : "A", "qty" : 60 }, { "warehouse" : "B", "qty" : 40 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a83"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "size" : { "h" : 22.85, "w" : 30, "uom" : "cm" }, "status" : "D" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f1f96cf4326f1d6a51d3a84"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "size" : { "h" : 10, "w" : 15.25, "uom" : "in" }, "status" : "P", "lastModified" : ISODate("2020-07-28T04:33:50.392Z") }

  • 更多文档资料

官方相关文档 (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - remove (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - deleteOne (opens new window)

官方相关示例 - deleteMany (opens new window)



try {
         { insertOne :
               "document" :
                  "_id" : 4, "char" : "Dithras", "class" : "barbarian", "lvl" : 4
         { insertOne :
               "document" :
                  "_id" : 5, "char" : "Taeln", "class" : "fighter", "lvl" : 3
         { updateOne :
               "filter" : { "char" : "Eldon" },
               "update" : { $set : { "status" : "Critical Injury" } }
         { deleteOne :
            { "filter" : { "char" : "Brisbane"} }
         { replaceOne :
               "filter" : { "char" : "Meldane" },
               "replacement" : { "char" : "Tanys", "class" : "oracle", "lvl" : 4 }
catch (e) {


  • https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.6/tutorial

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